One of the biggest names on the world’s stage classical guitar, Zoran Dukic, will be giving seminar – courses from Wednesday 13rd of January 2021 at 8:00 pm (Greek local time) for four online seminars. (More information)
In his 4 week online seminar on Guitar Technique Zoran Dukic will cover most important elements of modern guitar technique including ideal strategies to improve speed, sound and general mastering of the instrument.
The following issues will be analysed in the seminars:
- Wednesday 13 January 8.00 p.m. – It’s so nice to be fast
- Wednesday 20 January 8.00 p.m. – Weight Management ( ”effort-less” technique of both hands )
- Wednesday 3 February 8.00 p.m. – Your Humble Servant ( interpretation, phrasing and fingering in the service of music )
- Wednesday 10 February 8.00 p.m. – Tremolo
Every seminar-course will have a duration of 60-90 minutes, where Zoran Dukic will analyse the above issues, showing examples on his guitar and in the end of every seminar he will answer any questions of the participants.
Total participation fee:
Early bird : 150€ (till 29/12/2020 23:59 p.m. Greek local time)
160€ for all four seminars (from 30/12/2020 00:01 a.m. Greek local time)
50€ for a single seminar
The seminars will be conducted in English, live through Zoom and they can be attended by students all over the world. With the purchase of the seminars you will receive a link, via e-mail, through which you will be able to attend the seminars with Zoran Dukic.
If you are attending the seminar via mobile or tablet, you must first install the ZOOM Cloud Meetings application and then click on the link. If you are watching from a desktop computer or laptop, just click the link. The link is sent for personal use only. In each seminar the participants will be identified.
Refunds are not made after purchasing the lessons. If a lesson is lost due to the student's fault, the money paid is not refundable . In case a lesson is canceled by the teacher, a new date for the lesson is set. If the new date is not convenient for the student, his money is refunded.